Qatar Biggest Used Cooking Oil Collection & Recycling Company ​

Proof of sustainability
Green brokerage for oil W.L.L ( GBO Qatar ) is certified under international sustainability and carbon certification system. Recycling through ISCC certified partner is recognized as proof waste producers are implementing green sustainable practices.
For more information please visit www.iscc-system.org
Our third party audited waste transfer notes with a unique batch number and self-declaration issued for waste producers for every used cooking oil collected will guarantee full traceability of waste supply chain into renewable energy end products.

Qatar’s National Vision 2030
The Qatar National Vision 2030 aims to direct Qatar towards a balance between developmental needs and the protection of its natural environment, whether land, sea or air. As such, the QNV 2030 includes an emphasis on establishing an effective legal framework and the environmental institutions that can serve as the guardians of Qatar’s environmental heritage.