Qatar Biggest Used Cooking Oil Collection & Recycling Company ​
Walkerson welcomes the interest of any firm that has what it takes to qualify as a Walkerson supplier. To ensure transparency and openness in this process, we invite all companies interested in becoming a supplier to register their interest by sending an email to info@walkerson, subject : Supplier application and include the following information:

Company name, Full name of contact person, Email, Country, Address, Products and available certification.

Based on this information all potential suppliers will be requested to complete an online form to be used in the evaluation process. To ensure that all suppliers are evaluated on an equal basis we will only accept new suppliers that have submitted the requested information online and included all requested documents as support to their application.

Once a supplier profile is complete, it is reviewed by our Supplier Evaluation Committee, after which all applicants will be contacted.

Only suppliers that meet Walkerson qualification criteria will be able to compete for sourcing opportunities. Our qualification criteria used include but are not limited to

• Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
• Financial stability and transparency
It is the the responsibility of the supplier to inform Walkerson of any material changes to the submitted information. If at any time the information contained in the company profile is found to be incomplete or inaccurate, the supplier profile may be deactivated or removed.